This one comes courtesy of my current job, and thankfully I was just a fly on the wall as it went down.
User forgets password and calls I.T.
User is able to log in once.
User locks account again.
User calls IT again.
User gets password reset.
User is unable to come up with a new password, calls IT for help.
IT refuses to make up a password for user.
User finally comes up with password, but Active Directory won't take it.
User is upset and sends manager to go talk to IT.
Manager talks to IT, discussion eventually leads to 3 members of IT staff getting involved in this dilemma.
It is eventually noticed that users's chosen password contains the user's entire first name, hence the problem.
Third member of IT suggests changing one of the letters in the password to a symbol that looks similar to one of the letters in users name, DC accepts this password.
User's manager is rushed out the door.
IT all goes out for a smoke break, even the ones who don't smoke.