Saturday, May 25, 2019

Overheard at the Office #80

Ticket: Garage door on [REDACTED] site, using Cell Phone to communicate to the door to OPEN and CLOSE.
Client has spoken with [Manufacturer] and [ISP] and they indicate that it is a FIREWALL That is not allowing the gateway the gateway to communication (grammar belongs exclusively to client)

Me: Can you give me the IP address of device controlling the door?
Client: no
Me: Can you give me the IP address or URL of the cloud service communicating with the controller?
Client: no
Me: <head slamming on desk>
Client: so can you fix your firewall?
Me: I searched the SIEM for Garage Door and it unfortunately came back with nothing. 
Client: OK, I'll call [ISP again]

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Overheard at the Office #79

Ticket: User reported that he got a LinkedIn invite from his supervisor. He accepted the invite, and now he's getting a ton of inappropriate emails coming from LinkedIn and LinkedIn users.  He would like it scrubbed from his computer and profile.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Overheard at the Office #77

This dates back several years ago when I locked myself out of my Cisco account and was trying to do a password reset.  The following is a summary of the email back and forth across a little over a week.

Me: I'm trying to do a password reset but I'm not getting the email.
Cisco: We sent an email to ********  We'll send another.
Me: My email is ********, not ********
Cisco: Sorry for the confusion, we'll send an email to ********
Me: As I said, that's not my email address, please stop sending emails to it.
Cisco: Sorry for the confusion, we're sending an email to ********

In the end, I had to create a new account and move my certification profile over to it.  Surprisingly, this same guy somehow managed to get that done correctly.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Overheard at the Office #76

Coworker 1: Someone's messing with Symantec again!
Coworker 2: What?
Coworker 1: Every time someone messes with Symantec, my computer doesn't work!
Coworker 2: There was no scheduled maintenance this week....
Coworker 1: Every time they mess with Symantec, the screen is up when I come in in the morning.
Coworker 2: That's the disk encryption login. You have to put your password into that literally every time your computer boots up.
Coworker 1: I don't know about all that, but someone's been messing with Symantec again. I'm not going to be able to get anything done today.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Overheard at the Office #75

ticket title: connectivity issue

ticket body: firewall blocking vendor from getting to postage machine.

No contact, no idea who the vendor is, no idea what this "postage machine" is.  Sigh.