Saturday, February 2, 2019

Overheard at the Office #77

This dates back several years ago when I locked myself out of my Cisco account and was trying to do a password reset.  The following is a summary of the email back and forth across a little over a week.

Me: I'm trying to do a password reset but I'm not getting the email.
Cisco: We sent an email to ********  We'll send another.
Me: My email is ********, not ********
Cisco: Sorry for the confusion, we'll send an email to ********
Me: As I said, that's not my email address, please stop sending emails to it.
Cisco: Sorry for the confusion, we're sending an email to ********

In the end, I had to create a new account and move my certification profile over to it.  Surprisingly, this same guy somehow managed to get that done correctly.