Friday, September 18, 2015

The cast of characters

I don't think I've ever posted this.

When I started at $COMPANY, it was manned primarily by Mitch and Glen. Miguel was part time and focused primarily on special projects. Armando is the owner, Daniel was the Operations Manager. Donald, who is Armando's father, mans the front desk. Finally, Max is in Daniel's office doing telemarketing and other sales functions. There was one other employee, Alex, who was still ours but permanently placed with a large client.

Javier is the guy who i replaced, but he was still on good terms with the company and would often come back in for special projects.

Not too long after I started, Glen quit and was eventually replaced by Sven, the filthy Canadian.

Cynthia joined the team first as another part timer, but soon finished school and transitioned to full time. While her official duty was dispatch, she grew as a tech to the point she was handling 2/3 of the ticket load single-handedly.

I don't remember if Meat came on to help out with sales before or after Cynthia, but he didn't work out and was replaced by Tofu, who also didn't work out. Other than Max, sales has always been a problem to staff.

When Mitch left, he was soon after replaced by Abe, who then moved on to large client when Alex left. Abe was not replaced in the office.

Cynthia left soon after to pursue further education in a well regarded Masters Degree program out of state.

Around this time, Steven Richard, the man with two first names was brought in for a few special projects but didn't last long.

Daniel had other projects outside the company going on, so he decided to shorten his hours each week. So Chad was brought in to handle the role of Operations Manager.

After this, Sven left and was replaced by Mason. Soon after Miguel left (Yes, part time Miguel who eventually took over all dispatch and level 1 duties in addition to special projects) was was replaced by Darren. And right before I left, Rhonda was brought in to get the sales effort going again.

So yeah, I recently left as well. But have no fear, I've still got a ton of tales from my time there, and I still remain in contact with many of these characters who occasionally reminds me of another that needs to be added to the list.

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