Saturday, May 7, 2016

Small Client and Their "Redundant" Servers

I mentioned this client and their "redundant" servers in a previous post. Here's what they had. Their previous IT guy set up a pair of servers with ESXi. One hosting the live servers, one hosting the backup server for each of the live servers. Failover meant him running over from his 9 - 5 job at Ford as soon as he could, pulling the virtual Ethernet connection on the live server, and then connecting the virtual Ethernet connection on the redundant server and powering it up. And of course hoping that it connected to the .vmdk file correctly on the datastore. If this is the best that you're capable of setting up, I guess I get that. But what I don't get is why a company of 6 people needed 8 live servers and the corresponding 8 backup servers set up. There was a SAMBA server running an NT style domain, an LDAP server in addition to that doing the actual authentication, A file server, the Peachtree server, an engineering server (which I think was pretty much just another file server) and a couple others I don't recall now.

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