Saturday, January 7, 2017

Overheard at the Office #67

Coworker #1: I cannot access these VM's to remediate them.
Coworker #2: That is because they no longer exist.
Coworker #1: They keep showing up in the scan.  You need to remediate them because apparently only you have access.
Me: I had no problem accessing them when they still existed.  Just mark them complete, they're gone.
Coworker #1: But they're in the scan....
Me: The scan was done almost 3 weeks ago now.  I can assure you that the scan is not hitting things that no longer exist.
Coworker #1:  That's kind of what they've been telling me.  But time will tell....

In other words, Coworker #1 is still not convinced that the Nessus scan is unable to analyze non-existent machines each month.  He still feels there's a good chance they'll show up again next month. This email conversation took place over several days. 

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