Saturday, April 9, 2016

Overheard in the Office #42

Donald can be a little tunnel visioned at times. He came over to my desk one afternoon to let me know about the carpet cleaners coming in over the weekend. As this conversation was happening, Mitch, who was on the phone with a client, yelled over to Sven and I that a client was completely down. All their "redundant" servers (which I'll cover in a future post), were offline. Sven and I sprung into action, remoting into something that was still up at the client,and assessing the damage. Sven figured out the issue and got everything back going. During all of this, Sven and I were frantically typing and clicking away and yelling things back and forth to Mitch, who was still on the phone with the client. It was about this time I noticed that Donald was still standing off to the side, mumbling about the carpet cleaners as if nothing was going on.

Did I mention that he's a bit tunnel visioned at times.?

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