Saturday, April 16, 2016

Overheard in the Office #43

Not long before Cynthia started, we did a bit of a reorganization/cleanup of the office. The well stocked refrigerator was brought out of the back room that became the lab, and it was brought into the tech area. There was a single row of interconnected "desks" that ran around the room, and the refrigerator was put on top of it in the middle of one long wall.

Cynthia's desk was set up in the corner, right next to it. Naturally, her first question was "Are you putting me next to the fridge because I'm a woman? Am I going to be making sandwiches?" Without missing a beat, Daniel replies "Yes. And here's all you need to know. I like mayo, but not mustard. Alan likes mustard but not mayo. DO NOTmess that up."

I should mention that I knew Cynthia before she was hired. We probably wouldn't have pulled that on someone we didn't already know.

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